Blogger - Beyond Words

Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit. İnsan ya delirir ya da şiir yazar. (Horatius, Sermones, 2.7.117) Semper similem ducit deus ad similem. Aut Caesar aut nihil - Caesar or nothing i.e., all or nothing. Aut disce aut discede - Either learn or leave. Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit - The fellow is either mad or he is composing verses. (Horace) Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one. Aut vincere aut mori - Either conquer or die. Auxilio ab alto - By

Aut insanit homo aut versus facit.” (Either the man is crazy, or he’s writing poetry.) Out of Sync Nothing moved, not the leafless branches of the red maple nor light from the street lamp. Jun 10, 2018 The Latin words (Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit) are from Horace, a. Roman lyric poet who lived and died in the decades just prior to 

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2.7, where Horace appears in his own persona as freedman, and his wise slave Davus is frightened by his reaction: aut insanit homo aut versus facit (v. Auctorem esse alicuius interficiendi; Auctoritas; Audio; Aut denique; Aut fortasse; Aut insanit homo aut versus facit; Aut omnino; Aut potius; Aut sane;  Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit.1. (Horace Satirae, II). 1The man is either insane or he is composing verses. Page 6. Abstract. Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit. İnsan ya delirir ya da şiir yazar. (Horatius, Sermones ) Semper similem ducit deus ad similem. Tanrı hep benzerleri benzerlerine çeker. (Erasmus, Adagia ) Lupus est homo homini. İnsan …

Ac neque jam stabulis gaudet pecus aut arator igni; Nunc decet aut viridi nitidum caput impedire myrto “Aut insanit homo aut versus facit. v\Titten after both the Epistle to Florus and the Ars (sit licet hoc, Cerinthe, tuum-) tenerum est femur aut Aut insanit homo aut versus facit.".

Aut insanit homo aut versus facit el hombre o está - Antiquitatem

"Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit,” I grumbled under my breath. “What does that mean?” Kirishima asked from my right.” “The fellow is either mad or he is composing verses.” I translated my thumb pointing over my shoulder to Katsuki. “Ah,” Kirishima responded. I spaced out as Midnight explained the next event which was a The Only Requirement: that one’s presence, upon entering here, do so with a mind open and willing to deliberate, to muse, to consider, to debate, to ponder, and above all, to reflect upon any of the coming works (posts) contained within the boundaries of this university. Upon reflection of …

Horace: Sermonum Liber II - The Latin Library

ad omnem libidinem projectus homo: a man addicted to every lust: ad unguem factus homo: a man accomplished to his fingertips (Horace) amori finem tempus, non animus facit: it is time, not the mind, that puts an end to love (Publilius Syrus) Amori finem tempus, non animus facit: Time, not the mind, puts an end to love. Amoris vulnis idem sanat qui facit
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v\Titten after both the Epistle to Florus and the Ars (sit licet hoc, Cerinthe, tuum-) tenerum est femur aut Aut insanit homo aut versus facit.". Aut insanit homo aut versus facit.” (Either the man is crazy, or he’s writing poetry.) Out of Sync Nothing moved, not the leafless branches of the red maple nor light from the street lamp. Everything froze, and in that no time, I … Oct 6, 2014 Aut insanit homo aut versus facit. E non è tutto: quando lui mi ha presentato il progetto del dizionario provenzale, dove per esempio trovi  Animis opibusque parati - Prepared in minds and resources (ready for anything) Animus facit nobilem - The spirit makes (human) noble Anno (an.) Aut Caesar aut nihil - Caesar or nothing i.e., all or nothing Aut disce aut discede - Either learn or leave Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit …


May 16, 2019 Old Father Time. Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit. Alert a moderator to this post · Edit this post · Quote this post in a reply  [Lat., Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit.] - Author: Horace. Quotes About Inauthentic #1232853. #2. We could not be fulfilled if we weren't inauthentic 

Blogger - Beyond Words

Aut insanit homo aut facit versus. Questa sentenza di Orazio suona a difesa dei poeti, che scriverebbero versi per non impazzire; 7. Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit. Tuesday, 5 April 2011. In the beginning there was.. fiery starlight moulds and shapes the molten rivers of existence, -aut insanit homo, aut versus facit-Dal Giapponismo all’Impressionismo. Un viaggio tra i colori. A cavallo del XIX e XX secolo, l’Occidente conosce il Giapponismo grazie a Philippe Burty, incisore francese, …

Horace: Sermonum Liber II - The Latin Library

"Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit" sabato 4 giugno 2016. La vita facile. Le leggi arzigogolate del ferro dell'esistenza scorrono sui binari dritti che il mare interrompe. La culla dei piaceri o il freddo … —Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit · There is a middle ground in things. —Est modus in rebus · The irritable race of poets. —Genus irritabile vatum. This page lists English translations of notable Latin phrases, such as veni vidi vici and et necesse est aut imiteris aut oderis, you must either imitate or loathe  “Aut insanit homo aut versus facit” is one of many “topics” of the Latin poet Horace Quintus Flaccus; topic in the etymological sense of “place”, passage appointment, from Greek τόπος. The verse, become “maxima”, sentence, is quoted by many people in a variety of contexts. The sentence appears in his Satires, Bk. II, 7, v, 117.